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I approach my work with creativity, presence and passion. I customize every massage to meet the specific needs of each client and therefore no two of my massages are exactly alike. I specialize in a blend of massage modalities including Swedish massage, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Pregnancy Massage, Visceral Manipulation and the unique barefoot massage techniques, Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy® and Ashi-Thai. I have significant experience in treating sports injuries, motor vehicle accident injuries and chronic neck and back pain. Through my massage, I strive to promote relaxation, recovery and rejuvenation from the roots up.

1-hr massage: $110
90 minute massage: $165
Infant CST session (45min-1hr): $65

Regence, HMA and Providence insurance plans accepted.

Gift certificates available.

Call, text or email today to schedule an appointment!


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